A few weekends ago, my best friend Maria and I spent some time in Vancouver. She wasn't able to come until Sunday, but I went on a Friday night after work and just had a very relaxing weekend. I shopped on Robson, walked around a bit, and just had some time to myself, which was lovely.
Maria and I went to an ice cream parlor that has hundreds of options! We walked down 4th and went to the Banana Leaf for dinner. It was quite lovely!
My countdowns are getting closer:
In 2.5 days I will see Lynette and the kids.
In 5.08 days I will be 20 years old.
In 11.7 days I will see Greg.
In (let's say) 14 days (I'm not sure when he comes - I can't remember) I get to see Tom.
In 17 days I will meet Danielle -I don't know her flight time.
In 18.5 days my sister won't be a Schroeder anymore.
In 18.5 days I will gain another brother-in-law.
In 18.5 days our entire family will be in pictures together for the first time in many years.
She's going to the chapel and she's gonna get married.
In 18.5 days, I will grow several inches (high heels) and have a constant smile on.
At Lynette's wedding, my smile never left my face (except in the morning when I ruined the day in the van)
my arms get cold
in February air
please don't lose hold of me out there
So scared of getting older
I'm only good at being young.
Over the past week, my plan for the next year has changed. I had planned to work for the summer, go traveling at some point and then head back to school in August. I had been considering switching to a different school with an October start date when I got a phone message.
The waiting list for my program had lessened, and I was accepted for the April program if I wanted to start then.
I had a little bit of a freak out as I listened to the message and considered the change that would make for my life.
I wasn't quite sure, but everyone around my said that it was a good idea.
So I went in and signed my papers, and schools starts April 17th. A year from now I will be finishing school with a career in a steady job area and will be making far more money than I am now.
It is exciting and scary.
And good.