Friday, May 30, 2008

The future is awaiting me

It's one of those days when that title scares me.
Right now I'm at Kirsten's place having a last-time-in-this-place-sleepover-ever kind of night. We've been cleaning amongst other things. It's weird to think that I'll never be here again. I'm glad I got to come back again though!
Tomorrow is moving day so that should be fun. The 'social event of the season' - I'm sure!
So, future ...
It's so scary sometimes. I'm so reminded lately that God is in control and that He loves me and has a great plan for me.
So ... I've applied to go to CBC so yeah. That's the plan! I think it's rather hilarious since I would have never said I would ever ever go there. I was a MEI student for so long and had no desire to stay in Abbotsford, go to Bible school, and especially, go to CBC. But God's got different plans, so there I shall go! I actually am kind of excited. It should be good! I'm just going to take first year Biblical Studies and then see from there. I can switch programs year two potentially so yeah. I'm not really quite sure what I want to do with my life, and I figure putting another year fully in God's hands is all that I can do.
Another thing ... I can't get over how many songs have been pouring out of my lately. I counted and I wrote eleven songs in the month of May! Three in my bus ride to Vancouver today! Only about 5 (I think) have music to them, but some of them have been actually not bad! Haha. If you want to hear one of them, it's a video on Facebook, so yeah, check it out! Also, if you haven't heard my music that I recorded then you can go on Facebook, add the application iLike and then look up my name! There you shall find several of my songs. I hope you'll enjoy them!
Oh ... I bought the car! It's a '96 Honda Civic Hatchback, and it's black with a blue stripe (horrible I know, but what can I do!!!!??!)
Um, other than that, who knows? I hope more than my typical three people read this! Comment!!! I'd love to know who's reading!
I'll post pictures sometime when I'm home!
love love love


The W's said...

Yay for a new car and Yay for CBC and Yay for hanging with Kirsten!

So excited for you in all your new adventures. I LOVED CBC - such a great place! You'll have to post pics of your new car :)

tomandlynette said...

It's me...I can't believe how little we talk'd think you were in Africa or something!!! Call me sometime when you're able, it'd be good to talk. I MISS YOU.

Greg said...

I'm guessing I'm one of the 3, but I should really count for 2 anyway. I'll be in BC in 3 weeks, but I might not see you till the next week. Looking farward to it. I am curious who sleeps where with you there and if Kirstens comes too!?! Shot gun bed!!!

Rosanna Toews said...

I read your post tonight - thinking of you as you continue to trust and rest in God's bigness. Love you Nadine.

Greg said...

Is the car nicer than my brown 4-door 84 Corolla? You hated the way that car looked, but it's amazing how things change as you get older.

Nadine said...

Much nicer than your car Greg! It's just lacking the CD player but it'll come in time hopefully!

Greg said...

Did you realize that both your first car and mine were 7 years younger than us?