Sunday, September 7, 2008

So this is my bathroom buddy Sabrina! We've had lots of fun getting to know each other over the past week.

Here's my bedding and stuff around it.

My closet
Our beautiful bathroom. We decided that we would not live in a boring bathroom since bathrooms should always be fun and exciting - if you've been to my bathroom at my house, you'll understand!!
This is the sign outside my room. I'm sorry it's backwards. I took the pictures with my mac so they go backwards for whatever reason!
Our RA made us all record cover door tags, and it's so fun to see it!
This week has been rather stressful and with a few tears, but it's starting to get better. Being back in school is rather overwhelming and I have a whole lot of homework, but yeah. I switched one of my courses to a different one, and I already feel a lot better after that decision.
I also am done all of my training at OSF which is great. I just have to find time to study for my server test, and then I will be a server! And you should come visit me and I'll serve you and you can give me a lovely tip since I'm a poor student!!
This week I decided that my room wasn't me enough, so I brought more pictures plus some of my African stuff, which has already made it more homey!
Some lovely pictures of friends. The only issue is that I haven't printed pictures since I got home, so I'll have to get some recent pictures, since all of mine are 1-3 years old!

I also had an opportunity in church this weekend to share about my trip to Liberia and some of the stuff that went on, so that was a cool experience. I was surprisingly not nervous, and rather enjoyed it! It made me miss Africa though!

Have a great day!
Come visit me sometime!


Greg said...

How's my old school? Find anyone there who still knows me?

Nadine said...

Hey! I feel so loved that you commented so soon after I posted this!
Um, Misty is the Dean of Women. I talked to her for just a second about you. She totally remembered you. She was like -- that was SO long ago!
So funny.
I hope you're doing good. I love you lots Greg.

Greg said...

95-96, and the dorms you are in were the boys dorm. The gym was down the road, and is now to towers Uncle Larry's law office is in. We had a soccer field that is mostly a parking lot now. Where the gym is now, there was an old building used as a guys dorm called the ark. I'm sure tonnes more has changed as well. Do people still go for fountain walks?

tomandlynette said...

I can't wait to see it in person. We'll get you lots of new nieces/nephew/sis pics. My fave pics on your blogs are always the ones of YOU! Missing you so much.

Nadine said...

That's so crazy Greg how different things get over time. They're planning on building more this year to have new dorms by next year I think, or something like that.
I'm not sure if people go for fountain walks? Is that just walking to the fountain by DQ parking lot or what?
And Lynette, I'm thrilled to see you! I get to babysit the kids on Tuesday, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a blast!!
Less than a week!!!!

The W's said...

Aww....good ol' CBC! Love all your pictures Nadine. Made me miss those great college days. Hope things settle down for you.

Greg said...

We used to walk through the fountains by the Ledgislative building, but maybe it was just us. Love you!

Lorrie said...

Hey Nadine, nice mac! Pics look great and your room is definatly looking lived in ;) Glad to hear things are getting better and hope your in the swing of it now and lovin it!!!